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Heart To Heart

Spiritual Gym Workout

1 Tim 4:8 for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.

Just a few months ago, I decided that it was time to get a proper gym membership and exercise regularly to keep fit since I have stopped playing soccer for a few years. And so I did. Personally, the challenge lies in getting an additional rep or push so that the muscles get accustomed to a new load. It is always tempting to think “I’m not training for the Olympics, why bother with an additional rep?”

Likewise spiritually speaking, each of us is at various levels of “muscular definition” or “fitness” in our strive towards godliness.

The 3C obstacles to our attainment of the next level of godliness (yes, God is constantly challenging us to go deeper!) are Complacency, Compromise and the Cares of this world. When we become Complacent, we have the tendency to think that we have arrived and thus, no need to progress further in God. When we attempt to widen the narrow path, we Compromise in our values. And when we allow ourselves to be distracted, the Cares of this world have diluted our spiritual focus.

As God-seekers, let’s deal with these 3Cs and allow the Holy Spirit to challenge and stretch our faith muscles so that we can realise a new level of living in Him.

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