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Heart To Heart

Ministry and Work

In times past, the label of ministry to believers as the “higher calling” was quite common. This also presupposed that a day job held by a PMET or a business owner was one of a “lower” calling.

This label was partly due to the secular-sacred divide that created the segregation of sorts.

However, it is interesting to note that Jesus’s ministry was for the most part, spent outside the walls of the Temple and synagogues. When Jesus said, “My Father has been working until now, and I have been working (John 5:17), He made it clear that ministry is as much considered work as how we would hold an office job or an operational role.

It behooves us therefore, to seek God’s direction to be in the place where we can best steward the responsibilities that come with the role that needs to be played. Society is in need of people to not just stand in the gap in prayer and intercession, but also fill the gaps in the roles that need to be played for the well-functioning of the entire societal ecosystem.

To this end, what is work? It is showing up on a workday and dispensing the responsibilities that come with the role meant to be played by you, with excellence.

Ministry, in the context of our work environments, therefore, is about accomplishing our divine appointments where we are at. This means that our workplaces become our pulpit and our immediate colleagues and co-workers, the ones to be ministered to. Find the need and fill it. Connect with the hurt and heal it. Touch base with the broken and restore it.

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