Proverbs 3:9-10 Honour the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.
The first fruits of our labour are the most precious portions of it.
For the farmer, it represents the intense labour and the patient wait for the harvest. For the businessman, it represents the profits accrued from his risk-taking and venture of faith into entrepreneurship. For the salaried worker, it represents his toil over a period of time for his employer.
For the most part, while we would very much like to enjoy the fruits of our labour, especially since these fruits stem from our efforts, God has called us to honour Him first. This means that He gets the first dip to the outcome of our toil, blood, and sweat.
The pictures here of being “filled with plenty” and “bursting with wine” paint for us the state of overflow and being “more than enough” to a point where we can be a blessing to others.
Dear friend, the joy of our obedience is magnified when He declares a blessing of prosperity as we determine to step out in faith. In our context, the barns and vats are our finances, businesses, bank accounts, the promotions and accolades that we will receive. Give to Him and you will experience an overflow of blessings!