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Heart To Heart

Favour in the darkest hour

Many of us who are familiar with Joseph’s life would remember how he ended up first in a pit, followed by a slaves’ market and then a prison.

As we recall the story of this young man who was full of potential, given a great revelation and the gift of interpretation of dreams, we struggle to see how one can actually be called blessed and highly favoured in the dark situations that Joseph found himself in.

Yet, on hindsight, we must come to realise how powerful a sense of favour that Joseph had throughout his life and especially when he was in those dark situations.

Think about it: God intervened through the compassion of one of Joseph’s brothers that resulted in him not getting killed but instead, sold to traders. God orchestrated the circumstances that led someone in Potiphar’s household to set out to acquire a slave on the day that Joseph was traded and even picked him above the other slaves. God then elevated Joseph in the eyes of Potiphar to steward the affairs of his house and despite the accusation of Potiphar’s wife, Joseph got thrown in prison and was not executed (human rights for slaves in those days were unheard of). God then ensured that Pharoah’s two servants were placed along with Joseph in prison, allowing a good connection to take place between the trio and then set Joseph up to interpret their dreams. Then when Pharoah wanted someone he could trust to interpret his dream, Joseph fell right into a divinely orchestrated plan to ensure that Israel and his family would find a place of refuge from a 7 year famine.

The entire process took a really long time. Try being in Joseph’s shoes for more than a decade of trials before becoming Prime Minister of Egypt!

Perhaps you could be reading this and you are experiencing a dark hour in your life. There could be many things that you are struggling to grasp as to why events unfold the way that they do. In the midst of it all, be like Joseph, who while he did not agree with his being in those circumstances, trusted God to walk him through the entire process. God is good. And He will see you through your journey of faith. He is pouring out a deluge of favour even in the difficult trials. Recognise them, appropriate them and partner them to find your breakthroughs!

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