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Heart To Heart

Faith…  in practice (a reflection)

Faith seems to be a rather effy subject and obfuscated by some teachings that have made it seem like something ethereal or conceptual and therefore, difficult to grasp.

However, attempting to explain it by using a purely emotional or even logical perspective would be to do it a great deal of injustice, because faith encompasses so much more.

How do you define it? Or measure perhaps?

The fact that the Bible illustrates faith using different concepts goes to show that we are dealing with a subject that requires us to probe deeper not just in knowledge, but also in practice to be able to articulate what faith really is fully by ourselves.

But suffice it to say, at this moment, take a pause and ask:

What is faith, really?

Abraham is recorded as a father of faith. Whenever there was a mention of Yahweh or Jehovah God, He would be referred to as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I am always encouraged by Genesis 12 as to how he did exactly as he was told, to leave his father’s house.

In those short paragraphs within Genesis 12 was a time lapse between him hearing the voice of God and acting to uproot his entire family and possessions and move to a destination that has neither bearing nor course set.

What was he thinking? What made him make up his mind over a decision that major?

In the next few articles, we will be taking a look at a few areas that faith can be applied in:

Faith in healing Faith in disappointments

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