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Heart To Heart

Faith in finances

When the Bible tells us that God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, it points to the extravagant opulence of His glory.

It may sound superfluous to use extravagant with opulence but I think that it might do better justice at describing the vastness of who God is.

God is never in lack. In fact, this terminology is never a part of any equation seen or experienced in His kingdom. While we know this truth, living it out of our faith realm as a reality can sometimes be a difficult thing to handle especially when we face financial burdens and issues that can sometimes be overbearing.

Some of you reading this may be living from paycheque to paycheque and are bound to a job because of the mouths to feed and bills to pay. Others may be drowning in a sea of debt racked up to keep your business afloat.

How do you reconcile having access to the Kingdom that has no lack and your current situation with seemingly infinite financial issues and great needs to be met? Again, it returns us to our faith journey which boils down to 3 things:

Firstly, God is good. He never withholds anything good from His children.

Secondly, we must ask.. boldly. Faith is not a passive activity. It is active. Our asking from Him is not so much an act for Him to pay attention to (since He already knows our situation) as it is for us to grow in faith. The operative word in the faith act of asking is not in the asking itself but in the boldness through which we approach the throne.

Thirdly, we must wait… patiently. The toughest part of all lies between the asking and the breakthrough. And yet, we must. In some instances, He moves suddenly and swiftly. In others, He unfolds things gradually.

If I can put these into a simple formula, I would do AAA – Acknowledge (that He is good), Ask (boldly), Attune (to His rhythm and way of bringing breakthroughs).

Which of these would you like  to grow in today?

Wait for His breakthrough that will turn the tide in your life.

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