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Heart To Heart

Convictions Inform Declarations

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord Joshua 24:15

This verse is commonly used in Christendom as a declaration of faith and commitment to the service of God and His Kingdom. While using it as a standalone verse in isolation of its historical context works well, it behooves to go back to the actual moment when Joshua declared this to appreciate and apply it into our lives.

By the time Israel got into the Promised land, scattered and destroyed many of the inhabitants of the land while intermingling with some of them, God brought them into a season of rest and respite. When Joshua declared this to the whole of Israel, the context that he was speaking into was one that was wrought with idolatry and compromise.

Declarations are easy when there is peace, a lack of strife, an easygoing life to match, and plenty of financial stability. But when pressures and struggles are real, these declarations that are derived from our convictions form the bulwark of our actions.

What pressures are you facing that you feel tempted to compromise your values in: An ungodly business deal? An unequally yoked relationship? Walking away from the faith? Giving up your calling?

It is in that place that we begin to realise just how much our convictions inform our declarations. Will it be that you and your house continue to serve the Lord in the decisions that you make?

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