“If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honour.” John 12:26
Service to God goes beyond the four walls of the church.
Ministry has been traditionally framed to be institutionally-bound (eg, ushering, music ministry, hospitality, etc), but we need to realise how a life that is surrendered and aligned to Him is actually used by Him.
I’m intrigued by the language used by Jesus here. While a lot of us would tend to think in terms of “positioning” ourselves at particular locations and places to minister to others (eg. Overseas mission field, local church, cell group, etc), Jesus makes it clear that it is all about Him more than anything else.
Notice that He said “Where I am, there My servant will be also” instead of “Where my servant is, there I will be also”. This immediately places the onus on Him to orchestrate the fulfilment of His purpose in our lives.
All ministry that happens therefore, comes about because He brings about the ministry that needs to happen the moment we align ourselves to His call on our lives. All we need to do is to show up, speak when we need to, lay hands and pray where needed. This lines up perfectly to His grace; by and through His grace, we accomplish and complete the race set before us.