Daniel 2:21 “He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings…22 He reveals deep and secret things… 23 “I thank You and praise You… You have given me wisdom and might, And have now made known to me what we asked of You…”
As a foreigner grafted into Nebuchadnezzar’s elite administrative service, Daniel succeeded because of his perspective on things.
To a great extent, our actions, speech and thought patterns are governed by our theology: how we view God and the world around us. When Daniel prayed this prayer, he was already well aware of and regularly exercising his divine gift of interpreting dreams (in addition to his other official duties).
So this prayer was not about Daniel asking God to reveal Nebuchadnezzar’s dream more than it is in expressing his thoughts about the matter at hand. There are 3 keys for Daniel’s success and they lie in his theology.
Firstly, he recognises God’s sovereignty and His seasons (v21). No matter how good our strategic planning skills may be, it is impossible to control the macro – environment. It behooves us therefore, to enter into His flow rather than against.
Secondly, he receives God’s wisdom and revelations (v22). Humility realises that we do not have all the answers, and that only He does. The beautiful part of it is that He longs to show us His mysteries, and all we need to do is ask!
Thirdly, he renders praise to God (v23) and is thankful for the prayers that God answers. The attitude of gratitude goes a long way for us as we can sometimes forget the One through whom all blessings flow.
Success begins with our thinking and may these points be the starting point for yours!