The issue of belonging is one that Christians have to come to terms with and this can only be settled by approaching it from the perspective of His calling and will.
Many Christians attempt to find a fit within a church before deciding whether they belong. Others mistakenly presuppose acceptance or a fit in a ministry as a belonging (they are not!).
The heart of this issue has to be settled within ourselves because unless we fully embrace belonging to the fellowship which He has called us to, we can end up entrenching our loyalties in entities, personalities, and/or programs, and end up constructing a religious community comprising self-aligned vested interests instead of building a fellowship of Christ-centred, Kingdom-focused people.
The former is a façade that collapses in times of transitions and crisis, manifests in self-preservation, and withdraws from real fellowship to prevent further hurt. Shallow relationships are built with little real interactions that cement the love of Christ while sharpening the person and setting the environment for the pruning of the heart to bear more fruit.
The latter first embraces His call to a certain place and aligns everything else to the belonging. This is something that Israel grasped because Israel understands that she belongs because of God’s call to Abraham (Genesis 12) and has stuck with the plan to fit in ever since, despite the ongoing conflicts!
Where do you stand?
“Belong first, and then find a fit.” Dean Fujishima