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Heart To Heart

He makes you lie down in green pastures

Psalms 23:1-2a The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures

Have you wondered if sheep were ever concerned about which pasture they would be eating from?

The shepherd-sheep reference is a powerful reminder for each of us; that as long as He is our shepherd, we will lack nothing. Our supply comes from the One in whom there is only abundance. And it is not just that He has the supply, He wants to supply. He wants to ensure that we lack nothing on our part. In fact, Jesus uses the phrase “good shepherd” to describe His nature, so that we can be assured that He does not act like a hireling who will run away at the first sight of danger.

I personally like the term “green pastures”, because it means that the pastures are neither dwindling nor dead. “Green” connotes life, and an abundant fresh supply. And to lie down in green pastures really means not to worry about where the supply will come from, or whether there is indeed supply, because supply is all around you!

The only question we should ask ourselves is “Who is our shepherd?” - Jesus or ourselves? When we try to wrest control over the rod and the staff, we end up lacking, and always in search of pasture but never finding.

Trust the Shepherd of our souls for your supply.

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