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Heart To Heart

God Completely Healed My Back


I had been having back pains for years. At times, the pain would get so bad that I would not be able to stand for more than 5 minutes when it hits. The pain worsened from Easter 2012 until the end of the year. While I was preaching during Watchnight service at the end of 2012, God spoke to me when I declared, “O Lord, You are my God.” God told me that I had been asking God to remove the pain instead of asking for healing. Hence, on 1 Jan 2013, I declared healing over my back and went for a run. That very day, God healed my back, and I felt no pain even after running. My back has been fully healed ever since, and now I am even able to carry very heavy weights which I previously could not. Praise God for His healing!

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