“But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.” Hebrews 5:14
It seems to always come back to the basics of focus. While there are things that do distract, we need to realise that in a world of options, only those that dominate the “throne of our hearts” catch our attention.
Being spiritually astute, therefore, requires us to have a keenness not just of the things that draw us deeper into His presence, but also of those that pull us away.
What is it that dominates your thinking?
It is in that critical place that transformation takes place (or not). The very things that dominate our thinking also become the things that attract us. That is why the Bible says that “where your treasure is, there your heart will also be”.
How then do we develop our spiritual astuteness?
This verse gives us a simple key: a constant engagement in the things of God. Like muscles, spiritual astuteness requires a workout. Sharpen, tighten, strengthen, seek clarity. Keep training yourself to distinguish between what is of Him and what is not. Apply this to the way you approach relationships, ministry, finances, and just about every life.
To become Kingdom-minded requires us to be spiritually astute, and it is our posture that needs to shift, not God’s.